Infosys Hall – Beauty in Thyagaraja’s compositions

Jan 2007

Mudhra had a 12 months music appreciation programme in the year 2007 by Dr.Radha Bhaskar, wherein different topics were taken for presentation with a view to enlighten rasikas on various aspects of music. A lec-dem to highlight the beauty in Saint Thyagaraja’s compositions was presented by Dr.Radha Bhaskar at Infosys Hall in January 2007. In her presentation, Radha briefly sketched the biography of Thyagaraja and then explained in a detailed manner, the specialty in his compositions. She made special mention of how Thayagaraja gave life to many scales and made them alive as vibrant ragas, through his beautiful compositions. She highlighted how among the Trinity, Thyagaraja had singularly contributed to the raga Karaharapriya by composing many beautiful kritis in it. She was accompanied by Swarnalatha ( violin) and M.R.subramaniam (mrudangam).

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