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CM365 - All about Carnatic Music by Dr.Radha Bhaskar

CM 365 was a marathon project done by Dr. Radha Bhaskar continuously for 365 days. In this, every day a short video byte of 5 minutes on a topic pertaining to Carnatic music was presented and it covered a wide range of enlightening topics which ranged from technical terms, historical & practical aspects, general topics etc.

What was most appreciated by all viewers was the interesting choice of topics and the beautiful way in which it was condensed and capsuled comprehensively within such a short time. Being a musician as well, Dr.Radha has also demonstrated many of the topics and that has added special focus. The whole series is a valuable work for posterity in terms of throwing light on so many aspects of music which rasikas/ students want to know but never found the answer.

The CM 365 series can be viewed from the playlist of mudhra bhaskar YouTube Channel.

Click on the link below to watch :

CM 365